Count Down to Boston

It was 128 days go I found out I would be part of the Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge team, and now there are only 10 days before the marathon!  Can you believe it!?!  The time flew by too fast.

 Next week will be such a great time to be in Boston.  There is definitely a buzz of excitement in the air.   Runners from all over the world will start to come to the city.  Along with friends and family, they will fill the hotels and restaurants,   walk with tourist maps in their hands trying to find Faneuil Hall and ask which train is best to take to get to Fenway Park.  The marathon expo and marathon number pickup will begin on Friday and last all weekend long.   On Sunday there will be pasta dinners happening everywhere, including our own Dana-Farber dinner at the Copley Marriott.

After work yesterday, I was able to go out for my first long in almost 3 weeks .  I ran from Bowdoin to just before Boston College and then took the marathon route back to Bowdoin.   It was great that I was able run that distance again, but I’m not going to lie to you, it was a tough run.  My legs are incredible sore today.    I’m glad I ran it yesterday because it helped me realize I need to rethink my strategy for the next week and the marathon.  I’ll let you know when I figure that one out :). 

I hope this week wasn’t been too rough on you.  Being back on chemo, plus all your other medication and having to go to multiple doctor appointments while trying to get back to school must have made you a little crazy.  I don’t know how you do it.  You have an incredible amount of endurance and strength that Ryan Hall would envy.   Take care and I’ll talk to you soon. 


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